Friday, October 22, 2010

2. Keep Your Friends Close, But Your Enemies Closer

Following my idea of capturing the literal meanings of famous cliche quotes, I made these girls sit as close as possible but made the two girls sitting in the very front intertwine hands to emphasize "keeping your enemies closer." The girl to the left of the girl in the middle represents the friend while the girl to her right is the enemy. I used strobe lighting to make the shot more appealing especially since they are beautiful young women, and I used a camera angle level to the girls so I could capture all of their expressions. Again, this series is purely for entertainment and also to make viewers begin to think about all the quotes and what they would actually look like in real life, had the meaning been literal instead of metaphorical.

Yet another installment in my series and this photo I believe is especially strong and entertaining. My idea has not changed and I will continue to shoot famous cliche quotes.

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