Friday, October 22, 2010

4. A Penny For Your Thoughts

I used a shallow depth of field so I could focus on the girl's outstretched hand, but more importantly on the single penny in the palm of her hand. This was to emphasize the idea of offering someone a penny, one cent, in exchange for an insight into their thoughts. The lighting was natural lighting from ceiling lights so the overall effect of the photo would also appear natural. In addition, I requested the girl to wear brown clothes in order to accentuate the color of the penny and the tone of the photo. This picture is more thoughtful or thought provoking rather than entertaining.

In terms of success, this photo was not as successful as I hoped it would be and it didn't really tie in with my series in terms of the purpose, which was to provide pure entertainment. During the process of creating this image, my idea began to become fuddled. Now I want to shoot the literal meanings of cliche quotes and sayings except with a humorous twist--providing entertainment--which was what I intended in the beginning. So in a sense, my idea changed and yet did not change at all. It just became complicated because I made it complicated. One word, simplicity. I plan to re-shoot this photo.

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